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2012-01-13 13:59 作者:秩名 来源:网络 次阅读

No.7 Eat out


Another thing you should avoid doing is eating out frequently at restaurants. Many people do a great job at avoiding fast-food fare, but what most don't realize is that dine-in restaurants are almost twice as bad. The average entree can easily pack in well over 1,000 calories and is often processed, so if you want to prevent fat gain, cook at home as often as possible。


No.6 Take the car


As much as you might focus on getting in the most intense workout sessions possible, failing to look at the everyday ways you can be active will really cost you. If you hit the gym regularly but then drive everywhere (and are all-around quite lazy), this will significantly lower your overall calorie burn for the day. Just by getting out of the car and walking around more often, you can easily burn off 200 to 500 calories per day. Easy, right?


No.5 Eat greasy food


If you are going to cheat on your diet, the worst foods to do so with is high-carb, greasy fare. When you consume foods that are both high in carbs and high in fat (such as pizza, doughnuts or burgers), you're really hitting the body hard with excess calories that will lead to weight gain. Now you'll have raised insulin levels from the high-carb intake, and with those insulin levels high and your body in prime fat-storing mode, you'll quickly take the fat up and store it. If you're going to cheat, do so with lower fat, higher carb foods. This way, with the raised insulin, all the excess carbs can go toward the muscle cells to refill muscle glycogen, thus reducing the chances that you gain body fat。

嘴馋了,吃些啥?油腻食物是最差的选择。那些富含热量和脂肪的食物(比如批萨、甜甜圈、汉堡),无疑会给你贴上很多肥膘。油腻食物一下 肚,体内的胰岛素就出来了,大量的胰岛素水平会促你身体进入储备阶段,于是吃下去的东西绝大部分都成了脂肪。所以,即使偶尔犯个馋,也得注意选择:吃那些低脂、高热量的东西吧。这样一来,胰岛素会把过量的热量转移到肌肉组织里去,以肌糖原的形式储存起来,从而减少脂肪的增加。

